© Steve Krajacic
To change anything about yourself, Be your true self, Effortlessly, you will merge with the world
When making the sign of the cross,
In reality, one is identifying with Universal Life.
The Father is Love;
The Son is the Holy Temple within;
The Holy Ghost is the Holy Connection within;
And Amen is fulfilled through my Life lived without;
“One that is lived within the Brotherhood of Man.”
1- Personal Love Orientation, (1-P)
2- Impersonal Love Orientation, (1-P)
3- The Tantric Equation of Love, (1-P)
4- Unconditional Love-Birthing of Spirit, (1-P)
5- As a state of presence, (1-P)
6- The Story of the human way of learning Love, (3-P)
7- Struggling with Love, (3-P)
8- Accepting the extremes of Love, (2-P)
9- The is-ness bus-ness of Love, (1-P)
10- The Collective reality of Love, (2-P)
11- The Logical Pattern of Love, (1-P)
12- The Love-Path of Innocence, (2-P)
13- Awareness about Love, (4-P)
14- Learning through Correctional Love, (4-P)
15- Auric Fields, Ascension Love Harmonics, (9-P)
16- Logical Process of Love, (6-P)
17- Love Connections, (9-P)
18- Love Dynamics, (10-P)
19- Love Streams, (1-P)
20- The Science of Manifesting Love, (11-P)
21- The Space of Love, (14-P)
22- Love Reality Awareness or not, (1-P)
23- Awareness on one’s journey into Love, (1-P)
24- Aware & Awake to Love, (1-P)
25- Two Hearts exposing Personal & Impersonal Love, (1-P)
1- The Story of the One True Religion of Love, (2-P)
2- The Story of the human way of learning Love, (3-P)
3- The Story of the Emotional Ride into Love, (3-P)
4- The Blueprint's Story of Love, (12-P)
5- The Story of the Ocean of Love, (15-P)
6- The Cosmic Story of evolving Love (11-P)
7- The Story of Sex and Love (9-P)
8- The Story of Unfolding Streams of Love, (6-P)
9- The Story of Tantric Love Consciousness, (10-P)
10- The Story of the transformational Journey, (10-P)
11- The Story of the Healing Journey of Love, (3-P)
12- The Story of the Ocean of Love, (3-P)
13- The Story of Struggling to find Love, (7-P)
14- The Story of Sarah and Tantra Love, (2-P)
15- The Story of Love leading me to Freedom, (5-P)
16- The Story of Forever Love, (6-P)
17- The Story of Surrender to Love, (My Guides Story), (3-P)
18- The Story of Love, (1-P)
19- The Story of the Bridge of Love, (1-P)
20- The Awareness Story that leads to Love, (1-P)
21- (Short), The Story of the three acts of Love, (2-P)
22- (Long), The Story of the three acts of Love, (3-P)
23- ACT- I of III, of the story of Love (1-P)
24- ACT- II of III, of the story of Love (1-P)
25- ACT-III of III, of the story of Love (1-P)
GATE 10 (Personal Application)
(10) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(10) Behavior Itself, (1-P)
(10) The Love of Self (Graphic)
(10) Personal Love (ILL)
GATE 10 (Impersonal Application)
(10) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(10) Behavior Itself, (1-P)
(10) Spirit of Life Love (Graphic)
(10) Impersonal Love (ILL)
GATE 15 (Impersonal Application)
(15) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(15) Diversity and Flexibility, (1-P)
(15) Universal Love (Graphic)
(15) Impersonal Love (ILL)
GATE 25 (Impersonal Application)
(25) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(25) Cosmic Unconditional Love, (1-P)
(25) Unconditional Love (Graphic),
(25) Impersonal Love (ILL)
GATE 28 (Personal Application)
(28) The Instinctive Risk Taker, (1-P)
(28) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(28) Struggle for the Value of Love (Graphic),
(28) Personal Love, (ILL)
GATE 40 (Personal Application)
(40) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(40) Willpower of the Ego, (1-P)
(40) Working Love in Relationship (Graphic)
(40) Personal Love, (ILL)
GATE 41 (Personal Application)
(41) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(41) Fantasy for New Experience, (1-P)
(41) Physical Desirous Love (Graphic),
(41) Personal Love (ILL)
GATE 44 (Personal Application)
(44) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(44) Instinctive Alertness to Success, (1-P)
(44) Partnering for Success Love (Graphic)
(44) Personal Love (ILL)
GATE 46 (Impersonal Application)
(46) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(46) Cosmic Right Timing, (1-P)
(46) Body-Holy Temple Love (Graphic)
(46) Impersonal Love (ILL)
GATE 55 (Personal Application)
(55) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(55) The Spiritual Emotional Area, (1-P)
(55) Deeper Spiritual Love (Graphic)
(55) Personal Love (ILL)
GATE 58 (Personal Application)
(58) Quick Reference, (2-P)
(58) Challenging Authority, (1-P)
(58) Correctional Love (Graphic),
(58) Personal Love (ILL)
1- Love Gates Overview
2- Universal Transformational Dynamics
3- Blueprint Love Activity
4- Eleven Themes & Forms
5- Love Medicine
6- Love Medicine (Details)
7- With & Through Love Dynamics
1- Streams, as the Roads that lead to Rome
2- Streams, for love with details.
3- Streams, for the struggle to find love
4- Streams, for the main roads we travel in Life
5- Streams, within the three main processes
1- Strategies, for the Cosmic Development of Love
2- Strategies, for Cosmic Love Medicine
3- Strategies, for Personal & Non-Personal Love
4- Strategies, for Personal Love Medicine
5- Strategies, for Personal Love
6- Strategies, for Solar System Development
7- Strategies, for Transcendent Love
8- Strategies, for With or Through Love
07- IMPERSONAL (Application)
1- Introduction for Cosmic Development
2- Strategies for Cosmic Development
3- Strategies for Impersonal Love Medicine
4- Strategies for Impersonal Love
5- Strategies for Personal & Non-Personal Love
6- Strategies for “With” & “Through” Love
7- The Auric Fields of Cosmic Love
8- Cosmic Heart Gate Functions
08- PERSONAL (Application)
1- Introduction for Solar System Development
2- Strategies for Solar System Development
3- Strategies for Personal Love Medicine
4- Strategies for Personal Love
5- Strategies for Personal & Non-Personal Love
6- Strategies for “With & Through” Love
7- Auric Fields of Personal Love Gates
8- Physical Love Gates
1- Alchemy flow for Initiation
2- Ascension Harmonics for Love
3- Awakening to the creative flow of love
4- From the higher to the lower
5- The human Matrix
6- The Cosmic Flow
7- The Conscious Flow from Source
8- The Evolutionary Flow
9- The Conscious flow
10- The Conscious Universal flow
11- The Universal Love Flow
12- The Creative flow-1
13- The Creative flow-2
14- How to manifest love
15- Structural Flow of Love
16- Awakening Flow of Individual Circuitry
17- Centering Flow to Initiation
18- Awakening Flow to being Love
19- Group Circuitry and Love
20- Struggling Flow for Love
21- Tantra Flow out of Higher Circuitry
22- Transformational Universal Flow
23- Identity flow out of the Heart Center
24- One Life flow through the in-body experience
25- Humanities journey into Unity and Love
26- Earth Lesson of Love
27- The Cosmic Classroom for the Lesson of Love
28- The Incarnation lesson of love
29- The unfoldment of the drama of love
30- Awakening to life and Love
31- The power to manifest love
1- Ascension through Expression
2- Light & Love Cycle
3- Higher & Lower Love Graphic
4- Conscious Evolution & love
5- The Structure of Life & Love
6- The In-Body Set-Up
7- The Blessing of Love
8- What heart do I serve
9- The Blessing of Love
10- Forever Love Graphic
1- (21) The Philosophy of Control, (12-P)
2- (25-51) The Initiation Process, (8-P)
3- (39-55) The Struggle for Love, (9-P)
4- Love brings order out of chaos, (10-P)
5- Love and the five relationship dynamics, (11-P)
6- Love and docking and locking relationships, (12-P)
7- The Bridge to Love, (13-P)
8- Evolution through the Leadership Love, (13-P)
9- Love as seen through Streams & Processes, (17-P)
10- The Structure of Love, (16-P)
11- The Love Summary, (19-P)
12- Living Consciously, The Potential of Love, (22-P)
13- The Cosmic Story (Script) of Love, (39-P)
14- The Story within the Love Story, (41-P)
15- The Love Lifestyles within the Processes, (60-P)
16- Life and Love Study, (118-P)
1- 22-12, Spirit & the doorway of Feelings, (6-P)
2- 39-55, Provocation is the tool of Spirit), (3-P)
3- 39-55, Spirit in Transition, (4-P)
4- 39-55, Spiritual Evolution, (8-P)
5- 39-55, Struggling for the depth of Spirit, (9-P)
6- The Birthing of Spirit Consciousness, (11-P)
7- Awakening to Abundance, (19-P)
1- Explains about my two voices within, (10-P)
2- Explains about the Journey into Truthfulness, (5-P)
3- Explains about The Event of a Lifetime, (3-P)
4- Explains about the Identity Principle, (1-P)
5- Explains about Freedom from Mind, (5-P)
6- Explains about being a work in progress, (7-P)
7- Explains about Surrendering to Love, (3-P)
8- Explains the Blackboard Principle, (3-P)
9- Explains the Lesson on the Blackboard (8-P)
10- Explains the Mirror of Life Principle, (2-P)
11- Explains the Bonding Principle, (4-P)
12- Explains the Goodness Principle, (3-P)
13- Explains the Healing Principle, (7-P)
14- (References), Cosmic guidance articles
15- (Stories), My personal story (11-P)