© Steve Krajacic
To change anything about yourself, Be your true self, Effortlessly, you will merge with the world
Literally, all you need to do is tame yourself!
When attempting this, you will become present;
Then, you will learn to trust in your truth,
and finally, learn to respond accordingly.
Intro to Detailed Study Materials (32-P)
1-3, Beginners Study, (13-P)
1-3, Detailed Study, (16-P)
1-4, Beginners Study, (14-P)
1-4, Detailed Study, (14-P)
2-4, Beginners Study, (14-P)
2-4, Detailed Study, (15-P)
2-5, Beginners Study, (15-P)
2-5, Detailed Study, (16-P)
3-5, Beginners Study, (16-P)
3-5, Detailed Study, (17-P)
3-6, Beginners Study, (18-P)
3-6, Detailed Study, (21-P)
4-1, Beginners Study, (17-P)
4-1, Detailed Study, (16-P)
4-6, Beginners Study, (20-P)
4-6, Detailed Study, (23-P)
5-1, Beginners Study, (16-P)
5-1, Detailed Study, (17-P)
5-2, Beginners Study, (18-P)
5-2, Detailed Study, (19-P)
6-2, Beginners Study, (21-P)
6-2, Detailed Study, (23-P)
6-3, Beginners Study, (25-P)
6-3, Detailed Study, (26-P)
1- The Wheel of Consciousness, (10-P)
2- The Hexagram Structure, (8-P)
3- Profiling Overview, (7-P)
4- How profiling works (10-P)
5- The Birthing of the Profile (18-P)
6- Intro for Beginners (20-P)
02- AIDS (Illustrations)
1- Conscious Profiling Chart (1-P)
2- Conscious Harmonics Chart (3-P)
3- Six Levels of Awareness
4- The Hexagram-Trigram
5- The Six Cosmic Profiles (1-P)
1- The Structure
2- Your Themes & Traits
3- The Profile Cycle
4- The Conscious Profile Cycle
5- The Wheel of Consciousness
6- How to find your Profile
7- Relationship Profile Match Chart
8- Relationship Harmonics Chart
9- The Profile mechanic Chart
04- PROFILES (Quick Ref Charts)
Chart, 1-3, I am the Investigator
Chart, 1-4, I have Experience
Chart, 2-4, I’m a Hermit
Chart, 2-5, I am doing what I like
Chart, 3-5, Is this working or not
Chart, 3-6, Let me correct it
Chart, 4-1, I’ve got something to say
Chart, 4-6, Can I get my truth across
Chart, 5-1, Do they really see who I am
Chart, 5-2, I have something to offer
Chart, 6-2, Leave me alone
Chart, 6-3, This isn’t working right, I'll fix it
01- INTRODUCTORY (Materials)
1- The Cosmic Creative Flow (2-P)
2- The Journey of Conscious (1-P)
3- How Conscious Works (1-P)
4- How it works in Life (1-P)
5- The 6 levels (2-P)
6- The DNA Level (3-P)
02- AIDS (Illustrations)
1- House Analogy (1-P)
2- House Metaphor (3-P)
3- House Explanation (2-P)
4- The Six Themes (1-P)
5- The Hexagram (1-P)
6- The Hexagram Structure (6-P)
7- The Binary Process (1-P)
8- Profiling Chart (1-P)
9- Harmonics Chart (3-P)
10- Your Activations are your Eyes (1-P)
11- (Gate 10), The Six Conscious Role Levels (1-P)
12- (Gate 10), The Six Cosmic Roles (1-P)
1- Animal, Human & Spirit Consciousness
2- Behavior Patterns
3- Birthing on planet Earth
4- Blueprint (Life-Form, as the story goes)
5- Blueprint (Life-Form, Conscious Centers)
6- Blueprint (Life-Form, Conscious Dynamic)
7- Blueprint (Life-Form, Conscious Mechanic)
8- Blueprint (life-form, Structure set-up)
9- Blueprint (My Conscious Imprints)
10- Cosmic flow into the Human Plane of love
11- Creative Consciousness needs your Response
12- Cycle, The Conscious Cycle
13- Cycles, The Evolution & 64 DNA Structure
14- DNA, the Structure explanation
15- DNA. Sub-Conscious &Conscious Coding
16- Harmonic Relationship Chart
17- How to find your Profile
18- Journey, the Conscious Journey Within
19- Love, the Blueprint for conscious Love
20- Tantra, The Higher Path Circuitry
21- Tantra, the Higher Path Overview
22- Team, the 100-member Conscious Team
23- The 12 Profile Chart
24- The Cosmic Stream of Consciousness
25- The Goods, the DNA Structure
26- The Progression for the Human Plane
27- The Seven Level of Conscience
28- The Structure its 6 levels
29- The Structure & the progressive sequence
30- The Structure & the Yes & No response
31- The Wheel of Consciousness (The Clock)
32- Unfoldment & The Conscious Set-up
33- Unfoldment, & The Blueprint
34- Tantra, The Higher Path reveals the Illusion
04- LINE THEMES (Quick Reference)
Line #01, Summary Chart
Line #02, Summary Chart
Line #03, Summary Chart
Line #04, Summary Chart
Line #05, Summary Chart
Line #06, Summary Chart
05- LINE THEMES (Traits)
Line #01, Themes & Traits, (5-P)
Line #02, Themes & Traits, (7-P)
Line #03, Themes & Traits, (10-P)
Line #04, Themes & Traits, (8-P)
Line #05, Themes & Traits, (9-P)
Line #06, Themes & Traits, (15-P)
1- The Eternal Weaving Process (2-P)
2- The two voices within (2-P)
3- Tantra as the Higher Path (2-P)
4- To tame my mind (5-P)
5- From the Higher to the Lower (4-P)
6- Living through duality (7-P)
7- The Art of Waiting for Timing (6-P)
8- Waiting at the, Cosmic Signal Light (5-P)
9- Living in a state of Readiness-Waiting (8-P)
10- Auric Fields of Manifestation (9-P)
11- The Tao as a way of consciousness (10-P)
12- How Consciousness Works (10-P)
13- The Wheel of Life (10-P)
14- The Reflection Principle (8-P)
15- The Hexagram Structure (8-P)
16- According to your Profile (6-P)
Study-01, Living Consciously & Love (22-P)
Study-02, The Mechanics of Consciousness (23-P)
Study-03, Conscious Dynamic in Practice (60-P)
Study-04, How to fulfill your Destiny (67-P)
Study-05, How your life works (83-P)